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Adequate sleep is vital for a person in maintaining a healthy immune system, robust brain function as well as physical and emotional well-being. Common sleeping disorders include snoring, bruxism, obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia, circadian rhythm disruptions, and bedroom allergies. They can often disturb your sleep cycle, preventing you from receiving a full recovery and recharge of the body and mind. Thus, when you wake up, you nevertheless feel lethargic or find yourself craving for daytime naps. Kinwood has an abundance of professional knowledge, with 20 years of experience in hospital sleep medicine, providing a trustworthy service. We offer you the most comprehensive sleep disorder evaluation and treatment.

We provide professional
Home Sleep Testing

Sleep Disorders

In Hong Kong, it was estimated that over 200,000 people having Sleep Apnea. Over 70% Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) patients have Snoring.

Estimated 200,000 adults in Hong Kong have weekly GERD symptoms, prevalence is 3.8%. In one study, 75% patients reported that GERD symptoms affected their sleep.

Around 330,000 Hong Kong people have asthma. In one study, over 80% patients with respiratory allergies are sensitive to dust mites.

We are
Sleep Professionals
Since 2001, we introduced the first wireless sleep monitoring device from Australia for evaluating sleep apnea in Hong Kong hospitals. Up to date, we have tested and provided CPAP machines for over 10,000 patients with sleeping disorders in Hong Kong.

Trusted by Hospitals for 25 yrs
Besides catering to the general public, our valued clients also include institutions and medical professionals at multiple hospital departments, including Cardiology, Intensive Care Units (ICU), Respiratory, ENT, and Orthopedics. About Us

A Unique Shopping Experience
To help you thoroughly relax, we provide books corner, self-service coffee machine, fitted bedrooms, and a friendly and courteous professional team. Customer Pledge

Sleep Education Center
Through working closely with doctors and medical practitioners, we offer professional sleep health information to the public via health seminars and written articles.
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