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Result of
The CPAP Mask Finder Quiz
The "Nasal Pillow Mask" we recommend to you first.
If you habitually open your mouth to breathe during sleep, we generally recommend using a "Full Face Mask" or "Nasal Pillow Mask" with "Chin Strap". However, if you are prone to skin sensitivity or feel uncomfortable in claustrophobic spaces, it may be best to try to use the "Nasal Pillow Mask" alone first.
According to our experience, some people reduce breathing with their mouth after using a CPAP machine. To avoid adapting to multiple changes at once, we suggest after using a CPAP machine for two to four weeks that you can consider if adding a "Chin Strap” is necessary.
The above suggestions are for reference only. You still need to try the mask with a CPAP machine to ensure that the mask is comfortable to wear and fits your face.