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Therapeutic Body Pillow

It gently helps you stay in the ideal comfortable side sleeping position throughout the night. Those who need side sleeping treatment to improve their health problems are perfect users, such as those suffering from snoring, sciatica, lower back pain, back pain due to pregnancy, etc.

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 止鼻鼾產品】MedCline 側睡治療枕 - 醫生研發

Doctor Developed

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 止鼻鼾產品】MedCline 側睡治療枕 - 專利設計

Patent Designed

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 止鼻鼾產品】MedCline 側睡治療枕 - 兩個尺寸

Available in 2 Sizes


(Shipping fee is included.)

How does Side Sleeping

Alleviate Snoring?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 止鼻鼾產品】MedCline 側睡治療枕 - 由於仰睡時,肌肉會放鬆,加上地心吸力的關係,導致呼吸道變得狹窄,造成鼻鼾或睡眠窒息症。您可以考慮以側睡取代仰睡,以改善鼻鼾或睡眠窒息症等問題。

When we sleep on our backs, the tongue and soft palate tissues (including the uvula) will drop to the back of the throat and block the airway due to gravity. The airway becomes narrower, disrupting the airflow passing smoothly and causes soft tissue to vibrate, resulting in snoring. Instead of sleeping on your back, sleeping on your side can make your tongue less likely to sag. Hence, the airway is less likely to be obstructed and will improve snoring problems.

​Besides snoring, the MedCline Therapeutic Body Pillow is also ideal for people who require side sleeping for health problem treatment, including sleep apnea, sciatica, low back pain, pregnancy aches and pain etc.

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 止鼻鼾產品】MedCline 側睡治療枕 - 橫跨全身的「J形」設計,給您身體足夠的支撐,讓您能夠舒適地維持理想的側睡姿勢。

Starting from Design & Material Selection

​Helps the Body Maintain Side Sleeping

The MedCline Therapeutic Body Pillow is an essential element of MedCline's Reflux Relief System therapy. It is designed to help people suffering from acid reflux maintain a stable and comfortable side sleeping posture, reducing chances of acid refluxes and symptoms (such as heartburn) when sleeping on their backs. MedCline's main features are the design and materials that help users maintain a predominately side sleeping position.

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 止鼻鼾產品】MedCline 側睡治療枕 - 兩種使用方法,同樣能夠為您的背部提供穩定支撐

Change your Sleeping Position Considerately

It is challenging for people to change their habit of sleeping on their backs independently. Merely putting a pillow behind your back will not successfully change your sleeping position. MedCline's "J-shaped" design spanning the whole body provides additional support for your back, allowing your body to maintain a side sleeping position naturally.  The space between the two sides is restrictive yet comfortable so no more rolling to your back, but still leaves the option to change sleeping positions during the night.  Also, the longer part of MedCline's Body Pillow can be extended to between the knees to remove the pressure on the lower back during side sleeping. 

The MedCline Body Pillow has a patented seamless inner curvature design, unlike other pillows with an exposing stitch design that presses onto your neck.  It has a high-quality breathable velvet pillowcase with a hidden zipper and will bring you unprecedented soft skin-like touch.


​Acid Reflux Relief System

More than 100,000 people around the world are using MedCline. For those who suffer from gastric acid reflux at night, it provides the ideal inclination for "side sleeping" and "upper body lift". The pillow uses the law of gravity to tilt and raise the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), so that contents in the stomach are not prone to back-flow. It reduces the uncomfortable symptoms of indigestion, heartburn, cough or nausea. Also, in the long term, it reduces the potential damage to the esophagus caused by gastroesophageal reflux.

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠治療產品】MedCline 胃食道反流治療組合 - 93%測試用家表示「火燒心」的現象有所減少

patients reported a reduction in nighttime heartburn

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠治療產品】MedCline 胃食道反流治療組合 - 89%測試用家表示「反胃」及「作嘔」的情況有所減少

patients reported a reduction in regurgitation & gagging

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠治療產品】MedCline 胃食道反流治療組合 - 95%測試用家表示「整體睡眠質素」有所改善

patients reported an overall improvement in sleep quality

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠治療產品】MedCline 胃食道反流治療組合 - 由一位因長年飽受「胃食道反流」所困擾的美國退休醫學教授設計,並由多位美國腸胃科權威醫生組成顧問團隊共同研發。

Doctor Designed

Dr. Carl Melcher is a retired professor of medicine in the United States. He was plagued by acid reflux disease for many years, so he designed and developed a MedCline Reflux Relief System with a team of professionals basing on his own experience and professional knowledge.

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠治療產品】MedCline 胃食道反流治療組合 - 8項臨床測試證實,有效顯著改善胃酸倒流的症狀

8 Clinical Tests

MedCline consistently shows promising results and provides unparalleled symptoms recovery, improving the quality of life for people with acid reflux. Several clinical tests have confirmed that MedCline is more effective than merely raising the head of the bed or using ordinary back pillows.

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠治療產品】MedCline 胃食道反流治療組合 - 簡單3件組件,助您改善胃酸倒流
【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠治療產品】MedCline 胃食道反流治療組合 - 醫生設計,並由多位美國腸胃科權威醫生組成顧問團隊共同研發

Authoritative Medical Consultant

MedCline's medical advisory team includes Dr. Ronnie Fass and Dr. Donald Castell, leading physicians in gastroenterology. Dr. Fass has published more than 550 medical articles and has won multiple awards in the field of clinical research. Dr. Castell is the former president of the American Gastroenterology Association (AGA) and an internationally recognised figure on the esophagus and digestive system diseases. He has personally published and co-authored more than 500 scientific articles.


MedCline Acid Reflux Relief System is not recommended for those with lower back or hip injuries including herniated / bulging disks, compounded disks, fused vertebrae, scoliosis, lumbar damage, arthritic hips or bursitis in the hips.

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