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Shoulder Relief System

The patented arm pockets design allows the arm to pass through the wedge pillow to relieve the pressure on the shoulders and arms caused by the body sleeping on the side. We recommend this pillow for people who have suffered from chronic shoulder pain during sleep.

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 醫學治療枕】MedCline 肩膊疼痛治療組合 - 醫生研發

Doctor Developed

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 醫學治療枕】MedCline 肩膊疼痛治療組合 - 專利設計

Patented Design

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 醫學治療枕】MedCline 肩膊疼痛治療組合 - 醫療級別物料

Medical-Grade Materials


(Shipping fee is included.)

How can MedCline Improve Shoulder Pain

when sleeping on the side?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 醫學治療枕】MedCline 肩膊疼痛治療組合 - 右側睡時的肩膊情況

Condition of the Shoulder

when Sleeping on the Right Side

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 醫學治療枕】MedCline 肩膊疼痛治療組合 - 左側睡時的肩膊情況

Condition of the Shoulder

when Sleeping on the Left Side

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 醫學治療枕】MedCline 肩膊疼痛治療組合 - 使用MedCline側睡時的肩膊情況

Condition of the Shoulder when Sleeping on the Side with MedCline

Many people who have the habit of sleeping on the side may have experienced shoulder pain during sleep or after waking up. This is due to prolonged pressure on the shoulders and arms during side sleeping, which affects blood circulation.

MedCline's wedge pillow is equipped with patented arm pockets on both sides. When sleeping on the side, extend the arms from the holes to avoid discomfort caused by the body directly pressing the shoulders and arms. In addition, the design of the pillow has a slight tilt of about 10 degrees to effectively relieve the pressure on the shoulders and arms caused by sleeping on the side.

MedCline Allows You to

​Sleep on Your Side Comfortably

The MedCline Shoulder Relief System is comprised of a three-component sleep system including ❶ Insert Pillow, ❷ J-Shaped Body Pillow & ❸ Shoulder Relief Wedge Pillow. With all three components working in tandem, shoulder pain should be effectively relieved.

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 醫學治療枕】MedCline 肩膊疼痛治療組合 - 全套 = 小枕頭 + 側睡枕 + 斜台

2 Ways to Stretch Your Arms

Aim of Comfortability

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 醫學治療枕】MedCline 肩膊疼痛治療組合 - 兩種使用方式,舒適為本

Find the most effective way to use the pillow according to your habits. You can drop your arms through the pockets on both sides of the MedCline wedge pillow; you can also directly use your arms to embrace the side pillow. Both methods help to reduce the pressure on your shoulders and arms when you sleep on your side.

Do you need

MedCline Shoulder Relief System?

If you have the following health problems, MedCline may help you.

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 醫學治療枕】MedCline 肩膊疼痛治療組合 - 適合長期肩膊疼痛人士使用

Chronic Shoulder Pain

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 醫學治療枕】MedCline 肩膊疼痛治療組合 - 適合患有關節炎/滑囊炎人士使用

Arthritis / Bursitis

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 醫學治療枕】MedCline 肩膊疼痛治療組合 - 適合神經受壓人士使用

Nerve Impingement

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 醫學治療枕】MedCline 肩膊疼痛治療組合 - 適合肌腱撕裂/創傷人士使用

Rotator Cuff Injuries

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 醫學治療枕】MedCline 肩膊疼痛治療組合 - 適合手術後處於康復期的人士使用

Post-surgical Recovery

In addition to shoulder pains, if you have gastroesophageal reflux (acid reflux) at night, you can consider MedCline Reflux Relief System, which has a higher degree of tilt. It can relieve both of your problems at the same time, letting you regain a healthy and comfortable night's sleep.


MedCline Shoulder Relief System is not recommended for those with lower back or hip injuries including herniated / bulging disks, compounded disks, fused vertebrae, scoliosis, lumbar damage, arthritic hips or bursitis in the hips.

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